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My gentle cleanser

A partir de 4 años I Limpia - Calma I 150 ml

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💦 Cleans & soothes
🌿 95% natural and vegan origin
🇫🇷   Made in France
🔬 Tested under dermatological and ophthalmological control
👧 Suitable for sensitive skin from 4 years old
♻️ Refillable bottle
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    My gentle cleanser
    My gentle cleanser
    My gentle cleanser
    My gentle cleanser

    La misteriosa receta de OUATE

    ¿Por qué debemos cuidar la piel de los niños?

    From the age of 4, the hydrolipidic film of children's skin is in full construction. The skin is therefore more vulnerable to external aggressions and it is 3 times thinner than that of an adult. The dermis is immature with small spaced cells which intensify water loss and ultimately dehydration of the child's skin.

    In addition, the sebaceous glands which participate in the creation of the hydrolipidic film and which make it possible to fight against the drying of the skin are not very active.

    In summary, the skin of children is particularly sensitive and fragile and requires a daily routine including hydration and protection.

    Ingredientes mágicos 🌿

    Nuestra fórmula contieneprovitamina B5, reconocida por su poder paralimpieza suavepreservando la piel, ybetaína, un pigmento vegetal derivado de la remolacha quehidratarYcalma la piel. A diferencia de las aguas micelares clásicas, la adición de betaína previene la sequedad de la piel.


    La lista de ingredientes puede estar sujeta a cambios. Asegúrese de consultar siempre la lista de ingredientes del producto adquirido.

    Efectividad probada 🧑‍🔬

    • 100%de nuestros evaluadores testificaron que el producto deja la piel cómoda y sin tirantez.
    • 91%Confirmó que no había ninguna película pegajosa en la piel.
    • 95%los sujetos tienen la piel más suave

    Estudio clínico, 21 días, 22 probadores

    Facilidad de uso 🫶

    Estamos decididos a alentarautonomía de los niños. Nuestro embalaje fue diseñado con la ayudaterapeutas ocupacionalespara que se adapten perfectamente a
    habilidades motoras de los niños.

    Nuestro limpiador suave es fácil de usar gracias asu timbre de marihuana.Incluso los más pequeños, a partir de 4 años, pueden utilizarlo de forma segura.autonomía. Está equipado con un dosificador inteligente, basta con pulsar el pulsador para obtener la dosis perfecta de producto, ¡un auténtico juego de niños!

    Momento encantador 💙

    Mi Limpiador Suave es unagua ligeraque proporciona unsensación de frescuraa la aplicación. Su cautivador aroma con notas florales y acuáticas lo convierte en un auténticomomento de dulzurapara el niño, donde la limpieza se convierte en una experiencia placentera.

    A la familia Ouate le encanta.

    • "Second purchase for my 4 and a half year old daughter, I am very satisfied and she too with the product. The smell is very pleasant. The autonomy gained by the ease of use is a time saver for mum and a joy for my daughter."

      Patricia M.

    preguntas frecuentes

    ¿Por qué debemos cuidar la piel de los niños?

    From the age of 4, the hydrolipidic film of children's skin is in full construction. The skin is therefore more vulnerable to external aggressions and it is 3 times thinner than that of an adult. The dermis is immature with small spaced cells which intensify water loss and ultimately dehydration of the child's skin.

    In addition, the sebaceous glands which participate in the creation of the hydrolipidic film and which make it possible to fight against the drying of the skin are not very active.

    In summary, the skin of children is particularly sensitive and fragile and requires a daily routine including hydration and protection.

    Is the perfume allergenic?

    Our formulas contain a low concentration of fragrance without allergens to stimulate the sensory development of children and increase the pleasure of applying the products while respecting their skin. Because when the desire is there, the results are seen!

    Can my child under 4 years old use it?

    Because the packaging has been studied to correspond to their motricity, anticipating a purchase in the higher category would not guarantee an optimal experience. However, the formula of My gentle cleanser is completely compatible for the sensitive skin of children under 4 years old.

    What is Cetrimonium bromide used for in the formula?

    It is a preservative that has multiple properties as an antimicrobial, antistatic, surfactant and emulsifying agent. It is widely used in micellar waters to prevent the development of microorganisms in an aqueous medium. At the concentration used, it is harmless to the skin. However, rare cases of skin sensitization have been reported so for very reactive skin, we always recommend applying a small amount to the inside of the wrist to check for any reaction.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 134 reviews
    Nettoyant douceur

    Une gamme que je prends pour ma fille de 11ans pour prévenir les petits boutons

    Ophélie Freydt-Drouan
    Très bon produit !

    Produit de très bonne qualité et qui sent très bon ! Mes enfants adorent 😊

    Méga top

    Ma fille est ravie, c'est le seul nettoyant qui ne lui pique pas la peau !👍🩷

    Laure El Alaoui

    Produit doux et respectueux de la peau fragile des enfants. Son délicieux parfum a conquis mes enfants.