Laisser ses enfants s’autonomiser et lâcher prise !

Let your children (finally) empower themselves and let go (a little)!

Learning to be independent is always done under some supervision, for us it is simple vigilance and our role of guidance. Confidence comes once the bend is taken, our little fish have bitten the hook and from there, when we get to let go and trust them, that's where the beginning of the hook begins. autonomy, which for us looks (almost) like another life!


Gain confidence 

Trusting your children means accepting that everything will never be perfect, it means preparing for a few misses, these are often surprising surprises and above all it is offering them the opportunity to gain confidence, to believe in themselves and to be proud of what they manage to accomplish on their own (of course we close our eyes to the mess that this creates: the bedroom upside down, the drawers of the chest of drawers under construction and the bathroom victim of a typhoon…)  


From 4 years old, let's go!

It is really only from the age of four that autonomy begins to take on its full meaning in a child's existence. The clothing choices, more than doubtful, assert themselves (pink hearts T-shirt and leopard leggings), the food preferences, sometimes really surprising, are confirmed (passion for ultra spicy radishes in a mayonnaise) and their overflowing imagination is manifested. often in rather stunning experiences (preparing tea in his dinette for his dolls with the water of his bath) and we pass ... Day after day, we witness little by little, this living spectacle which sometimes exceeds us while being remaining really fascinating!

Through the skin

An organ essential to awareness of the outside world, of what connects us to nature, to our surroundings is the skin. 
Becoming aware of the skin through reassuring smells and amazing sensations immortalizes the enchantment of childhood by stimulating all the senses. OUATE treatments are designed to support children in gaining autonomy, it is a routine to be put in place together on a daily basis and which instigates the reflex of good actions. So, it is possible that the dosage is (at the beginning) not completely controlled (bottles almost empty) but we remain calm (easy to write but difficult to remember) we put ourselves in their shoes and little by little we let go and we trust them! They will eventually understand what the right dosage is and will be very good at applying their care on their own. 

And this glance once the mission accomplished, bright, sparkling, sparkling, proud and joyful which turns to us to examine what they have achieved by themselves fills us with happiness and marks in the consciousness of our children what are recognition and trust.